
Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing

Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, October 2, 2008

May I Grab Some Excuses From Your Big Bag, Bitches?

I'm going to throw out some lame ass excuses for my absolutely shitty weekend of racing in Wisconsin.

Lame Ass Excuse #1 
 I got fuckin lost on the way there and had to get a handicap room for my punk ass
Lame Ass Excuse #2
I got a fuckin flat 43 miles from Milwaukee....I changed it in less than 30 minutes.
Lame Ass Excuse #3
The fuckin tire store didn't have my exact tire in the Milwaukee region.  Thanks that set me back a few hundred bucks to get four new tires. Oh yea, the emasculator helped me out..... immensely. 
Lame Ass Excuse #4
Some jackass thought it would be funny to sell me a headset that wasn't compatible with my Orb...4 hrs on my feet sweating the details of fixing the POS was sweet!!
Lame Ass Excuse #5

Picture is worth a thousand words!!!
Lame Excuse #6
I wasn't feeling the new Orb so much...to much pressure in the tires...course was to dry....I was suckin major ass...Bike switch in pits....I FALL DOWN!!!  That happens when you turn off the switch.
Lame Excuse #7
I was doing really well Sunday but.....

All I can say if it wasn't the good friends...Heeman, my wife inc corporate sponsor, paulski, dr. giggles, mo, and mo's parents I would have wanted to commit hairy karrie.  So to but it simply I'm ready to race now.  I hope to have excised the gremlins.

Random thoughts or comments...

If you put your head on it you own it!
You should just get a skirt to go with those tires!
Have you ever seen a Klien Air Head?  Yea???
You guys try this? How about this?  Why not try this?
Why do they call you Crusty?  If you ask another question you will find out!
Turn off the switch.
I'm here to save lives!!
Why aren't you racing today?....I couldn't make it out of bed today......Oh yea but you didn't race till 2:45.

Here is some celluloid dump

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