I might not be contemplating these following thoughts if it wasn't doing this...
Thanks Chili for sending the weather down this way.
So I found some interesting stuff that I just couldn't pass up while I'm sitting here looking at this freakin' blizzard hit here!
So starting things off...We are in a recession so what better way to turn it around than institute some new laws?
I wonder if the above laws will cure this developing health crisis?
Maybe if you drink enough you will forget about the depression or the recession...that is til you run out of alcohol.
I can say I will do my part to prop up the economy with my purchase's...
So what does Van Morrison really think?
Interesting POV for today. If your not sure what the law of supply and demand is well click the link! Why?
Well this is due to the people who claim that the Big Three don't produce enough fuel efficient cars for consumers. Well to my dismay the consumer doesn't demand a fuel efficient vehicle when gas prices are below $4. Why do I throw this out. The 'consumer' has spoke and they are demanding big arse SUV's to drive. Arlington is now scheduled to work 9hr days and 3 Saturdays next month to keep up with the new modified field supply of 30 days. Amazing people throw down the Big Three but in return are buying up the big arse machines!
At least the execs haven't thrown any parties lately? Can the bank exec's say that? BTW, where the hell did all that money go? They don't know, frankly I can't see how I could misplace $20 and not have a daisy chain.
Tonight I can ride out my frustration if I can get out of my neighborhood!
NOW LOOK WHO has decided to UNretard!
The closing shot of the day...