It all started on Friday with crusty doing a Friday ride of his own. Roughly two and half hours of spin time.
Saturday's ride was to include some of crusty's riding buddies, but one by one the pussies called it a day because it had rained earlier in the morning and the roads were still wet. Not to call anyone out or anything but G bomb and Bondo missed out on one hell of a ride.
The Cultural Enhancement Tour(CET) was on the days agenda and low and behold, look who shows up.
Is this how this thing goes? Of course Big Daddy asks this to himself.
Another stranger to the peleton, Tulip, also decides to show up.
The sign says it all! Lump or Tulip decides on wether his winter jacket is appropriate for a 70 degree day with humidity at 80 some %.
After some finaggling into cycling clothing Big Daddy and Lump/Tulip decide it's time to go. Of course this means we now have started the clock on Big Daddy time, envision a place where time and space don't exist. That's Big Daddy time!
We are instructed that the code word for the day 'whiskey' from Big Daddy will be established as the word for 'O'Lord please help me, I suck and I need you to wait for me to not hurt my ego, please!"
The ride commences under cloudy skies with just a bit of water on the roads here and there. I show the fellows a somewhat new route and cheers are abound. A couple hours later we arrive at our destination.
A fancy coffee please. Is that a leaf in my coffee? I wonder if Mickey D's can do that?
We also got see this jewel at the cafe.
Lump/Tulip and I got to see why Kansas City is called the City of Fountains after waiting on Big Daddy to demonstrate why it's not smart to ride bicycles on the sidewalk!
To our amazement we ran into Shea Butter at the cafe and he joined us on the way home. He was amazed about the route back and said he would love to join us some other time on our journeys. I think the last hill though might have changed his mind...
It sure did make Big Daddy scream "WWWHHHIIIISSSKKKEEEYYY" The day ended after about 3-3 1/2 hrs of pure entertainment from the boys.
It sure did make Big Daddy scream "WWWHHHIIIISSSKKKEEEYYY" The day ended after about 3-3 1/2 hrs of pure entertainment from the boys.
Sundays ride started off a little rough when Gbomb thought what he wanted to hear was something completely different than what was actually said. Bondo shows up with the new toy set up for its maiden voyage. Very easy set-up punch a few key items in and bang ready to roll and get the data up to date. A few minutes late Gbomb is ready to go and Bondo has the itch to get the ride rollin. Off we go, 10 minutes in my toy doesn't read soooo Bondo reset it and off we go. The two of them tag team me to death. Dragging my aching arse body up and down then back again.